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The US Forces Korea (USFK) announced the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence (THAAD) system is a “tentative” attempt to foil any spontaneous plots from despot leader Kim Jong-un. The USFK said: "THAAD intercepts short and medium range ballistic missiles inside and outside the atmosphere. "It is interoperable with other ballistic missile defence systems, highly mobile, and deployable worldwide."
The system, that was announced last month, can identify incoming missiles “at ranges up to 1,000 km [621miles]”. The range of the THAAD system allows North Korea and some parts of China to be scoured for potential threats.
Beijing has voiced intense opposition to the radar technology due to a spying risk. However, military experts have attempted to extinguish China’s complaints by stating that the optimal range of the system is 372miles (600km) to 497 miles (800km). The THAAD system in South Korea will be used to monitor the dangerous isolationist state and is capable of shooting down ballistic missiles at altitudes of 24miles (40km) to 93 miles (150km).
A defence system is seemingly a necessity with the world seemingly on the brink of World War Three. North Korea recently accused the US of declaring war after a recent tweet from Donald Trump lashed out at the hermit state.
President Trump wrote: "Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at UN. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won't be around much longer!"

In response, North Korea’s Foreign Minister, Ri Yong Ho, claimed the country will take aim at any further bombers, even if they occupy international airspace. Since the feud, the US has denied declaring war on North Korea with White House press secretary Sarah Sanders claiming accusations made were “absurd”. Last Tuesday, North Korea issued a major threat against neighbour Japan. The rogue state, which has fired two rockets over Japanese territory this year, sent the warning "you will pay for your crimes". Pyongyang-based newspaper issued the threat to Tokyo which was a reference to past government-general rule over Korea enforced by Japan.
North Korea officials also vowed to make "nuclear clouds" over Japan. Korean Central News Agency said the behaviour of Japan in calling for international "maximum pressure" on the rogue state was "little short of mad".

The statement read: "Inciting tensions on the Korean peninsula is a suicidal deed that will bring clouds to the Japanese archipelago."
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