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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tanzania: Multibillion Projects to Transform Arusha City

Tanzania: Multibillion Projects to Transform Arusha City
4/ 5 stars - "Tanzania: Multibillion Projects to Transform Arusha City" Arusha — Robust multibillion development projects are currently under execution to transform the tourist city of Arusha, President John Magu...
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Arusha — Robust multibillion development projects are currently under execution to transform the tourist city of Arusha, President John Magufuli said here, yesterday. He cited the construction of the 139bn/- Usa River- Arusha road, 42bn/- Arusha Water Project and the Rural Electrification project that will supply power to the region's over 200 villages.
Dr Magufuli was addressing residents of Sangsi suburb on the outskirts of Arusha city. The 'wananchi' had intercepted the presidential motorcade to Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) for a flight back to Dar es Salaam, seeking to express their grievances. The President was later stopped at Pacha ya Kia in Kilimanjaro region before arriving at KIA airport. The Head of State who was on a six-day working tour of Arusha Region told the residents that the government will continue seeking solutions to problems facing all Tanzanians, regardless of political, tribal or religious affiliations.
"Forget all these cheap politics, just focus on development because development understands no political party, remain united because we do not have elections now. Hopefully, you are witnesses to how Arusha is currently changing because before we constructed this road there were many accidents," he said. The President said as the economy grows, the infrastructure also improves. He listened to people's problems, including public servants who complained of being transferred from their duty stations without payment of their requisite dues. President Magufuli reiterated that the directive he issued in Kilimanjaro during this year's May Day celebrations remains intact, insisting that no employer should transfer any public servant without pay.
"If you know that you do not have money for transfer, then do not transfer anybody," he insisted. On the water woes as stated by residents of Pacha ya Kia, the President directed the responsible authorities to deal with the matter. Dr Magufuli returned to Dar es Salaam yesterday. Tanzania Traders Discover Three Bodies On Coco Beach Three unidentified bodies were found at the famous Coco Beach on the shores of the Indian Ocean in Kinondoni… Read more »

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