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Policy challenge?
The Chinese foreign ministry quickly and dutifully condemned the test, its statements sticking to the usual talking points of Beijing's commitment to a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula and resolving
the issue through peace talks. In academic circles and on social media, however, Chinese voices started to deviate from the official line -- noting the deliberate timing and challenging long-held notions that have formed the foundation of China's North Korea policy. North Korea's sixth nuclear test "The US, China and the rest of the world are facing a critical choice: Do we still insist on the denuclearization of the peninsula or do we accept its failure and recognize North Korea as a nuclear power?" said Zhang Liangui, a professor of international strategy at the ruling Communists' Central Party School and an expert on North Korea. "It's not that United Nations sanctions don't work -- it's that the sanctions aren't tough enough," he said. "If the precondition for such sanctions is that they can't destabilize North Korea politically, then the sanctions are bound to be useless. If you are not making the leader's life difficult,
of course they won't change their policy." Zhang's point appears to stand in sharp contrast to those expressed by Beijing officials, who have repeatedly said sanctions alone won't work, calling for negotiation, and rejected any punitive measures outside the UN framework. China and Russia have called on the US and South Korea to suspend military drills in exchange for Pyongyang's halt of its nuclear weapons development, a proposal US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley slammed as "insulting." "When a rogue regime has a nuclear weapon and an ICBM pointed at you, you do not take steps to lower your guard. No one would do that. We certainly won't," she said Monday. Zhang says the UN's inability to exert any influence over North Korea called its role into question. "Faced with such a serious issue with the entire non-proliferation system in danger and a potential nuclear war on the horizon, all the major powers seem powerless -- that's a tragedy," Zhang said.
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